Puppet Forge Premium Modules
Premium subscriptions on Puppet Forge offer exclusive modules designed to solve your most challenging automation problems. Each subscription grants you access to a module and all updates.
You can also select a customer support option. If you are an open source Puppet user, you can select either Puppet Community support or standard paid support when you purchase a premium module. If you are a Puppet Enterprise (PE) user, you select your level of support when purchasing PE.
In addition to premium subscriptions, Puppet by Perforce offers thousands of free modules, which are available to all.
Terms of Use
The use of each module within a premium tier is governed by its own license, which can be found either in its LICENSE file or on the corresponding tab on its page on the Forge.
Purchasing a premium module subscription entitles you to download a module and any updates for as long as your subscription is maintained. If your subscription expires, you are no longer entitled to use the module and will no longer have access to updates or any customer support that you purchased with the module.
You can access and deploy a module after configuring your system with an API key. For instructions, see the following sections. Modules can be installed on as many compile servers as needed for your load-balanced infrastructure, and they can be deployed in your continuous integration pipelines for testing purposes.
Configuring Download Access for Premium Content
Before you download a premium module, you must be a registered Forge user with an active API key.
You can access premium modules based on your personal profile if your registered email address is linked to an entitled Perforce customer account. However, the preferred method is to access premium modules through an entitled Forge organization, as described in Access premium modules.
Complete the following steps:
Ensure that you are a registered Puppet Forge user:
- If you are unsure, go to the Puppet Forge welcome page and click Log in. If you can log in, you are registered.
- If you cannot log in, go to the Create a Forge account page and follow the prompts to register.
Optionally, create or join a Forge organization so that you can collaborate with other users and share your premium modules. For more information about the benefits of organizations, see Benefits of Puppet Forge organizations. For instructions about creating and joining organizations, see Create and manage organizations.
Verify that you have an active API key by taking the following actions:
- Open the personal or organizational profile that you plan to use for premium modules.
- In the navigation pane, click API Keys. If you have an active API key, the Status field shows the Active status.
If your API key is expired, click Revoke key and follow the instructions in step 5 to create a key.
If you do not have an active API key, create a key by taking the following actions:
- In the navigation pane of your profile, click API Keys and Create a new key.
- Optionally, in the API Key Description field, add a description. For example, you can write Premium module access.
- To specify the length of time that the key will be valid, in the Key Validity field, select a value representing the number of days. The maximum time is one year.
- Click Create API key.
- If the Multifactor authentication dialog box is displayed, in the Authentication Code field, enter the secure code sent to the email address associated with your Forge account and click Submit.
- In the New API Key dialog box, copy the API key for future reference and keep the copy in a safe place. Click Close.
You can now use the API key for premium module downloads by using Code Manager, r10k, or Puppet Bolt ®:
- If you are a Puppet Enterprise (PE) 2021 or later user, use Code Manager to download premium modules.
- If you are an open source Puppet user, use r10k to download premium modules.
- If you are a Puppet Bolt ® user, use Bolt to download premium modules.
Install and deploy a premium module with Code Manager
If you are a Puppet Enterprise (PE) user, use Code Manager to install and deploy premium modules. Code Manager deploys the modules listed in your Puppetfile
The following instructions are for installing and deploying a premium module by specifying global settings in Hiera. To test the deployment in a limited environment, configure Hiera for that limited environment. See Creating environments and Configuring Hiera.
You must have PE 2021 or later installed.
- Log in to the PE host server.
Create the following file:
In the
file, specify the global Hiera configuration:# Hiera 5 Global configuration file version: 5 defaults: datadir: "data" hierarchy: name: "Yaml backend" data_hash: yaml_data paths: "common.yaml"
Create a data subdirectory by running the following command:
mkdir /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/data
In the data subdirectory, create a
file with the following configuration information:pe_r10k::forge_settings: authorization_token: 'Bearer <your API token>' baseurl: 'https://forgeapi.puppet.com' puppet_enterprise::master::code_manager::forge_settings: authorization_token: 'Bearer <your API token>'
To enforce the updated configuration, run the Puppet agent on your PE server with the following command:
puppet agent –t
Add one or more premium modules to your
. For instructions about configuring aPuppetfile
, see Managing environment content with aPuppetfile
.To download the premium module, run Code Manager with the following command, where
specifies the Puppet environment where the premium module will be downloaded:puppet code deploy <environment|--all> --wait
Install and deploy a premium module with Bolt
If you are a Puppet Bolt user, install premium modules with Bolt version 3.18.0 or later.
Add the following section to your bolt-project.yaml
file to authorize your downloads:
# bolt-project.yaml
authorization_token: 'Bearer <your API token>'
baseurl: https://forgeapi.puppet.com
Then add the modules from your premium subscription to your project as usual. See the Bolt project documentation for more information about configuring your Bolt project.
Install and deploy a premium module with r10k
If you are an open source Puppet user, install and deploy premium modules with r10k 3.10.0 or later.
Complete the following steps:
Add the API key to the r10k configuration file,
# r10k.yaml forge: authorization_token: 'Bearer <your API token>' baseurl: 'https://forgeapi.puppet.com'
Add the modules from your premium subscription to your
. See the r10k documentation for more information about configuring aPuppetfile
.To deploy the modules, run the following command:
r10k deploy environment
Tip: For more information about r10k, see Deploying environments with r10K or the readme file on GitHub.
Configure Puppet to use your API key
If you have a custom deployment script, you can install modules with the puppet module install command (for example, in a script you've written or to download modules with puppetlabs_spec_helper
). To use this method, you must configure Puppet itself to use your API key.
Important: This is not the preferred method for installing premium modules. Before you use this method, review the other methods and select the best method for your system environment.
In the /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf
file, add the following setting in the [main]
# puppet.conf
forge_authorization = 'Bearer <your API token>'
Install a module in an air-gapped environment
If you have an air-gapped environment, you must manually download module tarballs and transfer them to the appropriate location. See Installing and managing modules from the command line.
How can I download the module tarball with my browser?
You must be logged in to your Forge account to download the tarball with your browser. In Puppet Forge, click Log in and follow the prompts. Find the module that you want to download. The module's Start using this module section has a manual download option. In the INSTALLATION METHOD list, click Direct Download.
How do I buy a premium module subscription?
For a list of premium modules, see Puppet Forge. To contact a sales representative about purchasing a premium module subscription, complete the form on the Security Compliance Enforcement webpage.
How do I get access to the content if I lose my Forge credentials?
Email forge@puppet.com for assistance.
What if I lose the API token?
On your Forge profile page, in the API Keys section, revoke that key by clicking Revoke key. Then generate a new key by clicking Create a new key.
What if the person who purchased the subscription has left my company and we can't get into their Forge account?
Contact your sales representative, who can update your subscription to grant access to a company Forge account. To help prevent access issues in the future, consider creating an organization on Puppet Forge so that you can share premium modules with colleagues. For more information, see Benefits of Puppet Forge organizations.
What should I do if I've configured my system and still get a permission denied error?
Check the Puppet Support Portal for solutions and if needed, file a support request by clicking Log a Case.
What support level comes with the premium modules?
Support offerings vary for each type of premium module. Your sales representative can provide information about the support options available for the premium module you are interested in purchasing.
How do I get help if I'm having trouble with a module?
If you have a support contract with your module, you can file a support request. You must have an active support account. In the Puppet Support Portal, at the top right next to the Log in button, click Log a Case.
How do I authenticate to the Forge API with custom tools I've written?
For general HTTP request authentication, see the Forge API documentation for instructions. If you're using the forge-ruby gem, configure it with an API key, and the key will handle authorization for you.
Last Revised: December 24, 2024