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Manages IBM WebSphere Application Server


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Version information

  • 2.1.0 (latest)
  • 2.0.1
  • 2.0.0
  • 1.4.2
  • 1.4.1
  • 1.4.0
  • 1.3.0
  • 1.2.0
  • 1.1.0
  • 1.0.1
  • 1.0.0
  • 0.2.0
released Jul 29th 2020
This version is compatible with:
  • Puppet Enterprise 2019.8.x, 2019.7.x, 2019.5.x, 2019.4.x, 2019.3.x, 2019.2.x, 2019.1.x, 2019.0.x, 2018.1.x
  • Puppet >= 5.5.10 < 7.0.0
  • , , ,
  • create_repo

This module is licensed for use with Puppet Enterprise. You may also evaluate this module for up to 90 days.Learn More

Start using this module

  • r10k or Code Manager
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  • Manual installation
  • Direct download

Add this module to your Puppetfile:

mod 'puppetlabs-websphere_application_server', '2.1.0'
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Add this module to your Bolt project:

bolt module add puppetlabs-websphere_application_server
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Manually install this module globally with Puppet module tool:

puppet module install puppetlabs-websphere_application_server --version 2.1.0

Direct download is not typically how you would use a Puppet module to manage your infrastructure, but you may want to download the module in order to inspect the code.



puppetlabs/websphere_application_server — version 2.1.0 Jul 29th 2020


Table of Contents

  1. Module Description - What the module does and why it is useful
  2. Setup - The basics of getting started with websphere_application_server
  3. Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
  4. Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how
  5. Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
  6. Development - Guide for contributing to the module


Manages the deployment and configuration of IBM WebSphere Application Server. This module manages the following IBM Websphere cell types:

  • Deployment Managers (DMGR)
  • Application Servers
  • IHS Servers


Beginning with websphere_application_server

To get started, declare the base class on any server that will use this module: DMGR, App Servers, or IHS.

As root user (default)

Please make sure the selected user has root permissions

class { 'websphere_application_server':
  user     => 'webadmin',
  group    => 'webadmins',
  base_dir => '/opt/IBM',

As non-root user

The primary difference here being the base_dir. Set this to a dir your user has write permission to and IBM Installation Manager takes care of the rest.

class { 'websphere_application_server':
  user     => 'webadmin',
  group    => 'webadmins',
  user_home => '/home/webadmin',
  base_dir => '/home/webadmin/IBM',

or you can also use this structure to install websphere_application_server

class { 'websphere_application_server':
  user     => 'webadmin',
  group    => 'webadmins',
  manage_user  => false,
  manage_group => false,


Creating a websphere_application_server instance

The word "instance" used throughout this module basically refers to a complete installation of WebSphere Application Server. Ideally, you'd just have a single instance of WebSphere on a given system. This module, however, does offer the flexibility to have multiple installations. This is useful for cases where you want two different major versions available (for example, WAS 7 and WAS 8).

To install WebSphere using an installation zip:

Note: The example below assumes that the WebSphere installation zip file has been downloaded and extracted to /mnt/myorg/was and contains repository.config.

websphere_application_server::instance { 'WebSphere85':
  target       => '/opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer',
  package      => '',
  version      => '8.5.5000.20130514_1044',
  profile_base => '/opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles',
  repository   => '/mnt/myorg/was/repository.config',

See [manifests/instance.pp][] or [][] for more more examples.


It's common to install an IBM "FixPack" after the base installation.

In the following example, the WebSphere fixpack is installed onto the existing Websphere installation from the above example. The require metaparameter is applied to enforce dependency ordering.

ibm_pkg { 'WebSphere_8554':
  ensure        => 'present',
  package       => '',
  version       => '8.5.5004.20141119_1746',
  target        => '/opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer',
  repository    => '/mnt/myorg/was_8554/repository.config',
  package_owner => 'wsadmin',
  package_group => 'wsadmins',
  require       => Websphere_application_server::Instance['WebSphere85'],

An example of installing Java 7 into the same Websphere installation as above:

ibm_pkg { 'Java7':
  ensure        => 'present',
  package       => '',
  version       => '7.1.2000.20141116_0823',
  target        => '/opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer',
  repository    => '/mnt/myorg/java7/repository.config',
  package_owner => 'wsadmin',
  package_group => 'wsadmins',
  require       => Websphere_application_server::Package['WebSphere_8554'],

Installation dependencies

The basic setup of the WebSphere Application Server has dependencies in the software installation steps. The module requires the types to be installed in the same manifest in the order of class -> instance -> fixpack -> java.

See the example provided below:

file { [
  ensure => 'directory',
  owner  => 'wsadmin',
  group  => 'wsadmins',

class { 'websphere_application_server':
  user     => 'webadmin',
  group    => 'webadmins',
  base_dir => '/opt/IBM',

websphere_application_server::instance { 'WebSphere85':
  target       => '/opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer',
  package      => '',
  version      => '8.5.5000.20130514_1044',
  profile_base => '/opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles',
  repository   => '/mnt/myorg/was/repository.config',

ibm_pkg { 'WebSphere_8554':
  ensure        => 'present',
  package       => '',
  version       => '8.5.5004.20141119_1746',
  target        => '/opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer',
  repository    => '/mnt/myorg/was_8554/repository.config',
  package_owner => 'wsadmin',
  package_group => 'wsadmins',
  require       => Websphere_application_server::Instance['WebSphere85'],

ibm_pkg { 'Java7':
  ensure        => 'present',
  package       => '',
  version       => '7.1.2000.20141116_0823',
  target        => '/opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer',
  repository    => '/mnt/myorg/java7/repository.config',
  package_owner => 'wsadmin',
  package_group => 'wsadmins',
  require       => Websphere_application_server::Package['WebSphere_8554'],

The fixpack must reference a valid instance that is declared in the same manifest. Likewise, the java install must reference a valid fixpack installation in the same manifest.

Creating Profiles

Once the base software is installed, create a profile. The profile is the runtime environment. A server can potentially have multiple profiles. A DMGR profile is ultimately what defines a given "cell" in WebSphere.

In the following example, a DMGR profile, PROFILE_DMGR_01 is created with associated cell and node_name. Use the subscribe metaparameter to set the relationship and ordering with the base installations. Any changes to the base installation trigger a refresh to websphere_application_server::profile::dmgr, if necessary.

websphere_application_server::profile::dmgr { 'PROFILE_DMGR_01':
  instance_base => '/opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer',
  profile_base  => '/opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles',
  cell          => 'CELL_01',
  node_name     => 'dmgrNode01',
  subscribe     => [

When you create a DMGR profile, the module uses Puppet's exported resources to export a file resource that contains the information needed for application servers to federate with it [TODO: what does 'it' refer to?]. This includes the SOAP port and the host name (fqdn).

The DMGR profile collects any exported websphere_node, websphere_web_server, and websphere_jvm_log resources by default.

An example of an Application Server profile:

websphere_application_server::profile::appserver { 'PROFILE_APP_001':
  instance_base  => '/opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer',
  profile_base   => '/opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles',
  cell           => 'CELL_01',
  template_path  => '/opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profileTemplates/managed',
  dmgr_host      => '',
  node_name      => 'appNode01',
  manage_sdk     => true,
  sdk_name       => '1.7.1_64',

Creating a Cluster

After you've created profiles on the DMGR and on an application server, you can create a cluster, and then add application servers as members of the cluster.

Associate a cluster with a DMGR profile:

websphere_application_server::cluster { 'MyCluster01':
  profile_base => '/opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles',
  dmgr_profile => 'PROFILE_DMGR_01',
  cell         => 'CELL_01',
  require      => Websphere_application_server::Profile::Dmgr['PROFILE_DMGR_01'],

In this example, a cluster called MyCluster01 will be created. Provide the profile_base and dmgr_profile to specify where to create this cluster. Additionally, use the require metaparameter to set a relationship between the profile and the cluster. Ensure that the profile is managed before attempting to manage the cluster.

Adding cluster members:

There are two ways to add cluster members: Either the DMGR can explicitly declare each member, or the members can export a resource to add themselves.

In the following example, a websphere_application_server::cluster::member resource is defined on the application server and exported.

@@websphere_application_server::cluster::member { 'AppServer01':
  ensure                           => 'present',
  cluster                          => 'MyCluster01',
  node_name                        => 'appNode01',
  cell                             => 'CELL_01',
  jvm_maximum_heap_size            => '512',
  jvm_verbose_mode_class           => true,
  jvm_verbose_garbage_collection   => false,
  total_transaction_timeout        => '120',
  client_inactivity_timeout        => '20',
  threadpool_webcontainer_max_size => '75',
  runas_user                       => 'webadmin',
  runas_group                      => 'webadmins',

In the above example, the DMGR declared a websphere_application_server::cluster defined type, which automatically collects any exported resources that match its cell. Every time Puppet runs on the DMGR, it will search for exported resources to declare on that host.

On the application server, the "@@" prefixed to the resource type exports that resource, which can be collected by the DMGR the next time Puppet runs.

Configuring the instance


This module provides a type to manage WebSphere environment variables.

Node-scoped variable:

websphere_variable { 'CELL_01:node:appNode01':
  ensure       => 'present',
  variable     => 'LOG_ROOT',
  value        => '/var/log/websphere/wasmgmtlogs/appNode01',
  scope        => 'node',
  node_name    => 'appNode01',
  cell         => 'CELL_01',
  dmgr_profile => 'PROFILE_APP_001',
  profile_base => '/opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles',
  user         => 'webadmin',
  require      => Websphere_application_server::Profile::Appserver['PROFILE_APP_001'],

In the example below, a variable called LOG_ROOT is set for the node appNode01.

Server scoped variable:

# NOTE: This will cause a FAILURE during the first Puppet run because the
# cluster member has not yet been created on the DMGR.
websphere_variable { 'CELL_01:server:appNode01:AppServer01':
  ensure       => 'present',
  variable     => 'LOG_ROOT',
  value        => '/opt/log/websphere/appserverlogs',
  scope        => 'server',
  server       => 'AppServer01',
  node_name    => 'appNode01',
  cell         => 'CELL_01',
  dmgr_profile => 'PROFILE_APP_001',
  profile_base => $profile_base,
  user         => $user,
  require      => Websphere_application_server::Profile::Appserver['PROFILE_APP_001'],

In the example above is a server scoped variable for the AppServer01 server. The AppServer01 server was created as part of the websphere_application_server::cluster::member defined type.

The server-scoped variables cannot be managed until/unless a corresponding cluster member exists on the DMGR.

Optionally, these variables can be declared on the DMGR. This allow setting relationships between the cluster member and the variable resource. However, this sacrifices some of the dynamic nature of the module.

JVM Logs

This module provides a websphere_jvm_log type that can be used to manage JVM logging properties, such as log rotation criteria.

websphere_jvm_log { "CELL_01:appNode01:node:AppServer01":
  profile             => 'PROFILE_APP_001',
  profile_base        => '/opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles',
  cell                => 'CELL_01',
  scope               => 'node',
  node_name           => 'appNode01',
  server              => 'AppServer01',
  out_filename        => '/tmp/SystemOut.log',
  out_rollover_type   => 'BOTH',
  out_rollover_size   => '7',
  out_maxnum          => '200',
  out_start_hour      => '13',
  out_rollover_period => '24',
  err_filename        => '/tmp/SystemErr.log',
  err_rollover_type   => 'BOTH',
  err_rollover_size   => '7',
  err_maxnum          => '3',
  err_start_hour      => '13',
  err_rollover_period => '24',
  require             => Websphere_application_server::Profile::Appserver['PROFILE_APP_001'],

In the example above, JVM logs are created for the appNode01 node. Log customizations include filename, rollover_type, rollover_size, maxnum, start_hour, and rollover_period for both SystemOut and SystemErr logs.

JDBC Providers and Datasources

This module supports creating JDBC providers and data sources. It does not support the removal of JDBC providers or datasources or changing their configuration after creation.

JDBC Provider:

This example creates a JDBC provider called "Puppet Test", using Oracle, at node scope:

websphere_jdbc_provider { 'Puppet Test':
  ensure         => 'present',
  dmgr_profile   => 'PROFILE_DMGR_01',
  profile_base   => '/opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles',
  user           => 'webadmin',
  scope          => 'node',
  cell           => 'CELL_01',
  node_name      => 'appNode01',
  server         => 'AppServer01',
  dbtype         => 'Oracle',
  providertype   => 'Oracle JDBC Driver',
  implementation => 'Connection pool data source',
  description    => 'Created by Puppet',
  classpath      => '${ORACLE_JDBC_DRIVER_PATH}/ojdbc6.jar',

JDBC Datasource:

This example creates a datasource, using the JDBC provider we created, at node scope:

websphere_jdbc_datasource { 'Puppet Test':
  ensure                        => 'present',
  dmgr_profile                  => 'PROFILE_DMGR_01',
  profile_base                  => '/opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles',
  user                          => 'webadmin',
  scope                         => 'node',
  cell                          => 'CELL_01',
  node_name                     => 'appNode01',
  server                        => 'AppServer01',
  jdbc_provider                 => 'Puppet Test',
  jndi_name                     => 'myTest',
  data_store_helper_class       => '',
  container_managed_persistence => true,
  url                           => 'jdbc:oracle:thin:@//localhost:1521/sample',
  description                   => 'Created by Puppet',

JDBC Provider at cell scope:

websphere_jdbc_provider { 'Puppet Test':
  ensure         => 'present',
  dmgr_profile   => 'PROFILE_DMGR_01',
  profile_base   => '/opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles',
  user           => 'webadmin',
  scope          => 'cell',
  cell           => 'CELL_01',
  dbtype         => 'Oracle',
  providertype   => 'Oracle JDBC Driver',
  implementation => 'Connection pool data source',
  description    => 'Created by Puppet',
  classpath      => '${ORACLE_JDBC_DRIVER_PATH}/ojdbc6.jar',

JDBC Datasource at cell scope:

websphere_jdbc_datasource { 'Puppet Test':
  ensure                        => 'present',
  dmgr_profile                  => 'PROFILE_DMGR_01',
  profile_base                  => '/opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles',
  user                          => 'webadmin',
  scope                         => 'cell',
  cell                          => 'CELL_01',
  jdbc_provider                 => 'Puppet Test',
  jndi_name                     => 'myTest',
  data_store_helper_class       => '',
  container_managed_persistence => true,
  url                           => 'jdbc:oracle:thin:@//localhost:1521/sample',
  description                   => 'Created by Puppet',


This module has basic support for managing IBM HTTP Server (IHS) in the context of WebSphere.

In the example below, creating an ihs instance installs IHS to /opt/IBM/HTTPServer, installs the WebSphere plug-ins for IHS, and creates a server instance. By default, this module automatically exports a websphere_node and websphere_web_server resource via the websphere_application_server::ihs::server defined type. These exported resources are collected by the DMGR and realized. By default, an IHS server is automatically set up in the DMGR's cell.

websphere_application_server::ihs::instance { 'HTTPServer':
  target           => '/opt/IBM/HTTPServer',
  package          => '',
  version          => '8.5.5000.20130514_1044',
  repository       => '/mnt/myorg/ihs/repository.config',
  install_options  => '-properties user.ihs.httpPort=80',
  user             => 'webadmin',
  group            => 'webadmins',
  manage_user      => false,
  manage_group     => false,
  log_dir          => '/opt/log/websphere/httpserver',
  admin_username   => 'httpadmin',
  admin_password   => 'password',
  webroot          => '/opt/web',

ibm_pkg { 'Plugins':
  ensure     => 'present',
  target     => '/opt/IBM/Plugins',
  repository => '/mnt/myorg/plugins/repository.config',
  package    => '',
  version    => '8.5.5000.20130514_1044',
  require    => Websphere_application_server::Ihs::Instance['HTTPServer'],

websphere_application_server::ihs::server { 'test':
  target      => '/opt/IBM/HTTPServer',
  log_dir     => '/opt/log/websphere/httpserver',
  plugin_dir  => '/opt/IBM/Plugins/config/test',
  plugin_base => '/opt/IBM/Plugins',
  cell        => 'CELL_01',
  config_file => '/opt/IBM/HTTPServer/conf/httpd_test.conf',
  access_log  => '/opt/log/websphere/httpserver/access_log',
  error_log   => '/opt/log/websphere/httpserver/error_log',
  listen_port => '10080',
  require     => Ibm_pkg['Plugins'],

Accessing the DMGR Console

After Websphere is installed and DMGR is configured, you can access the DMGR console via a web browser at a URL such as:




The following facts are provided by this module:

Fact name Description
instance_name This is the name of a WebSphere instance; the base directory name.
instance_target The full path to where a particular instance is installed.
instance_user The user that "owns" this instance.
instance_group The group that "owns" this instance.
instance_profilebase The full path to where profiles for this instance are located.
instance_version The version of WebSphere an instance is running.
instance_package The package name a WebSphere instance was installed from.
websphere_profiles A comma-separated list of profiles discovered on a system across instances.
websphere_profile_cell_node_soap The SOAP port for an instance. This is particularly relevant on the DMGR, so that App servers can federate with it.


Assuming we've installed a WebSphere instance called "WebSphere85" to a custom location:

websphere85_group => webadmins
websphere85_name => WebSphere85
websphere85_package =>
websphere85_profile_base => /opt/myorg/IBM/WebSphere85/AppServer/profiles
websphere85_target => /opt/myorg/IBM/WebSphere85/AppServer
websphere85_user => webadmin
websphere85_version => 8.5.5004.20141119_1746
websphere_base_dir => /opt/myorg/IBM
websphere_profile_dmgr_01_cell_01_appnode01_soap => 8878
websphere_profile_dmgr_01_cell_01_node_dmgr_01_soap => 8879
websphere_profiles => PROFILE_DMGR_01

More Information

See for all other reference documentation.


Tested and developed with IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment.

Tested and developed with IBM WebSphere 8.5.0.x and 8.5.5.x.

For an extensive list of supported operating systems, see metadata.json


WebSphere is a large software stack, and this module manages only some of its core functions. See for information on contributing.
